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Website - Operational
After monitoring the situation, we're certain that Vexera is stable and fully back up.Thank you for your patience!
All services have recovered from the outage. We are currently monitoring the situation until we're sure this incident is resolved.
Vexera is currently recovering. We are in the process of starting back up all affected shards, this may take a while.Another incident update will be ready when Vexera has fully recovered.
Vexera is currently experiencing a major outage, leading to complete downtime in all servers. We are aware and are investigating this issue.As a side effect, the dashboard on our website is also unavailable at the time. You will see a 403 error until the aforementioned issue has been fixed.Vexera Pro is unaffected by this.
Everything works as expected. The incident is now closed.
Vexera should be online again in all servers. A few things (members cache…) are still loading in the background, but we expect that everything is working again as expected.
Vexera has been down for 25 minutes due to a database issue. It's currently being restarted, please allow up to 30 minutes to reconnect in all servers. Vexera Pro is back online.
Our monitoring system fired an alert regarding elevated errors rate. We are investigating!
Everything is back to normal!
Impacted voice nodes are back in production. We are monitoring the situation while the load rebalances itself between nodes.
An incident currently impacts a hosting provider hosting some of our voice nodes (servers handling voice encoding and playback). The load was transferred to the remaining nodes. As such, some side effects like lags may be observed until this issue is fixed.
Maintenance has completed successfully.
Maintenance is now in progress
We will be deploying an update to some internal services of Vexera handling voice connections and playbacks.
The update will cause a temporary disconnection of Vexera from all voice channels. The duration of the unavailability should be around 5 minutes.
No notices reported this month
Oct 2022 to Dec 2022