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Website - Operational
Maintenance has completed successfully.
We took this opportunity to upgrade the infrastructure behind Vexera. We have completed the infrastructure upgrades, and our hosting provider has completed their maintenance.
We will be starting Vexera back up in the next 15 minutes or so. Vexera will be back online in your server in under an hour.
Our hosting provider has planned a maintenance starting today at 11:00 UTC, to reboot a network equipment that have issues.
During this maintenance, Vexera may go temporarily offline. If that happens, this shouldn't take longer than 1 hour.
The issue should now be resolved.
We are aware that Vexera is currently unresponsive in some servers, following an issue with a few shards (logical processes handling a subset of servers).
We are currently restarting affected shards.
No notices reported this month
Oct 2021 to Dec 2021